After all these years, it's hard to believe that
I still haven't put up much of a personal web site. And there's no
grand design here. Just a random sprinkling
of personal information. One Day it will be complete
and perfectly organized, just like the rest of my life. Some
who know me actually believe that I do no, that I simply
lead a completely orderly life (but if you believe that you
couldn't know me all that well). So, for those among you, I have transmogrified myself
to that place and time, that "One Day," to bring you a
preview of the point
of perfection. (And to think it's come to this
after all the time I've been trying to transcend myself.)
I am now trying to update the following bits
in a little less random fashion. Such that, when new items are added
substantial changes made to an entry), they are placed at the top
here. So, you can more easily find new things without having to plow
through all the old stuff. Enjoy!
Sera has updated her web site to
point out her blog that documents her recent semester in Paris and
many photos from her adventures.
One of my projects in Bonny Doon was to transform my second floor
bedroom from a dingy, smelly place into a comfortable and inspiring
portal onto the surrounding meadow and woodlands. These
photos document
the removal of a large solid wall, to create a bow window seat/desk
and door for ventilation and access to a roof deck. Design and
construction details are available on request.
For anyone contemplating marriage, or any other kind of partnership,
here's a concept my dad told me about, a few years before
he died. I call it Partnership as an 80-20 Proposition.
Sera has updated her web site with
a fresh, sophisticated design. And a recent photo from her high school
When guests visit Bonny Doon, all kinds of fun stuff happens. Here,
Rob3rt does China Town.
You should really check out
this site I did for my sister,
the mad dollmaker. The 3-d
model of Amanda is extra fun. Now I'm working on a similar
site to showcase the inspiring printmaking
of Aunt Elaine.
I'm very proud of my
daughter, Sera, a dedicated scholar (but she's always changing
her web site so you never know what you'll find there).
OK, there actually is web-evidence of some
of my computer work of recent years. From the days of Jump Development
Group, the main product was RAM
Charger (much of the web site and programming in later
years was the work of Cris
Then there was Forward
(that I think was originally Scott
Johnson's idea, and he's been paying for it ever since). I also
did some design and graphical user interface (GUI) work for Webmedx
(you can see a slide-show-demo
of the Java GUI by pressing their "Start
Demo" button).
I've posted some photos of the Thornton
clan, some old, some new.
There are also photos of the house
at Wildcat Cove, where Sera and I enjoyed many good
Finally, there is now photographic evidence of new
life at Bonny Doon! More
to come (new life and photos, both).
In case you think I just might be that same Rob3rt that you once
knew and loved, here's a brief bio.